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see the longest neck in the world.

Doctors say most necks have 7 vertebrae but 15 year old Chinese boy Fu Wengui (pictured above) has 10. As a young boy he was diagnosed with Congenital Scoliosis and an abnormal chest frame which made his neck grow extra three inches. This causes him a lot of pain and makes it hard for Fu to walk. Congenital scoliosis is caused by the bones in the spine developing abnormally in the womb.
"He always causes a stir when he's out. The vertebrae press on the nerves in his neck and make it difficult for him to walk." his dad, Genyou said
Fortunately for Fu, after his situation was made public, a Beijing-based charity agreed to finance a procedure and treatment. He will have corrective surgery that will hopefully reduce the length of his neck and ease the discomfort.

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