Things are better by revelation than definition. Kingsleyconnect is a practical demonstration of true revelation and inspiration, our contents are reliable, relevant, resourceful, informative and inspiring. We passionately desire to help you discover your purpose and grant you access to connect to the real you. Reach us: +2347056449897 calls only +2347038308106 Whatsapp. Music: "Na Zo" by Nehemiah Dan (Major) from the album "COME TO ME" - KINGSLEY CONNECT


Music: "Na Zo" by Nehemiah Dan (Major) from the album "COME TO ME"

Gospel singer Nehemiah Dan lunched his new album titled "COME TO ME" some weeks back in Kaduna state,  the single "Na Zo" (I COME) is one among many of the heart touching songs i will like you listen to and i'm sure you will be blessed.
 Just hit the download link below and enjoy....

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