Using Stem-cell to cure Autism
It is a developmental disorder characterized by trouble with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.

Risk factor during pregnancy include certain infections such as rubella, and toxins including valproic acid, alcohol, cocaine, pesticides and air pollution.
Treatment of autism using stem cell therapy
Stem cells have positive impact on all of the body's organ and systems starting from the brain. This is
extremely important because with autism, the brain area regulating memory, concentration, attention, speech..etc..are damaged.
Treatment with stem cell therapy result with in better blood and oxygen flow to the brain called improved perfusion'" better replacement of damage neurons and better formation of new arteries, after a certain period stem cell acquire properties of the surrounding cell and differentiate into them.
then restore the body to normacy, insuring that both mother and child are OK.
Get your stem-cell therapy today and help others to see the light in this new possibilities. Don't give up yet because God has provided solutions to every problem.
Choose to be Healthy and Wealthy today!!!
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