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SAY NO TO XenophobicAttacks

Nigeria is South Africa big brother? Is Nigeria truly the Giant of Africa? Then it is time for Nigerian government and its people to speak and put a stop to to this senseless xenophobic attacks in South Africa. Honestly, it's disheartening that this isn't making news headlines. Something needs to be done. How can Africans be against themselves? The ongoing hashtagXenophobicAttacks on Nigerians in South Africa is a crime against humanity and it is our collective responsibility to condemn it and call for a stop. Silence is not an option but a deadly weapon against human rights. Destroy the weapon by speaking out. Nigerian government isn't doing enough. No business will survive in the midst of war and conflicts. Nigeria is South Africa brother and the sooner Pres Buhari led administration call South African government to order the better. Those who close their eyes to hashtagXenophobicAttacks on Nigerians in South Africa perpetuated under the guise of democracy are its collaborators. Violence is not the best solution to conflicts. hashtaghumanityfirst hashtagXenophobia hashtagconflicts hashtagNigeria hashtagafricarising hashtagAfrica

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