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The speakers at last week’s Southern Lodging Summit @ Memphis on the “Discovering tomorrow’s technology today” panel said the emergence of mobile platforms, online reviews and the sharing economy are forcing hoteliers to face the facts when it comes to technology: Stay on top of it, or fall behind.

Tim Harvey, president & CEO of technology consultancy Core Ideas, said the importance of personal information about guests can’t be underestimated. Hoteliers can differentiate a guest’s experience every time he or she stays by knowing the right information.

“It’s about the customer … giving them choice and control,” Harvey said. “Mobility and how you react to that is probably the biggest trend out there. The biggest opportunity is empowering the guest to do business the way they want to do business operationally.”

“Operations and marketing are blending,” said Flo Lugli, principal at Navesink Advisory Group. “Every single person at your hotel needs to understand how their interaction with the guest affects (the guest) and their impression of the brand.”
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