Things are better by revelation than definition. Kingsleyconnect is a practical demonstration of true revelation and inspiration, our contents are reliable, relevant, resourceful, informative and inspiring. We passionately desire to help you discover your purpose and grant you access to connect to the real you. Reach us: +2347056449897 calls only +2347038308106 Whatsapp. WINDOWS BASE WEBSERVER INTRA-COMMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATION - KINGSLEY CONNECT



Base on the challenges affecting organizations in our country, especially in the area of communication among staffs in different organization and establishment. In a situation whereby staffs will go from one office to the other in other to effectively communicate or pass information amongst them, in organization where paper work is predominant and information is not effectively distributed, it is therefore necessary for modern facilities to be implemented in this modern world. With Window base intra-communication system, it will go a long way to harness the outstanding problem and bring an instant stop to the challenges faced in the past.
This project is meant to enable easy communication process between staffs in organizations: this process will reduce cost and stress of invading various offices in other to pass information. With the help of this project, information can be easily sent to various staffs in an organization without any manual effort or enablement. Information meant for specific people can be easily accessed from their various systems in as much as they are connected to the webserver. The users must be computer inclined and understand how to surf the net. The webserver also will be a user friendly with a good graphic user interface enabled (GUI).
            It will also go a long way to reduce paper work in any establishment this process is running on.

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