We have heard and have read in God’s word “Many are called, but few are chosen”, how do we maintain our call, how do we become one of the chosen. One of the first things I would like to talk about is “SPIRITUAL CONVICTION” I’m talking about the initial reason why you answered the call you feel is a divine appointment from God, through the years I have heard many say how they’re called to be in a place for serving in a particular area of ministry and boy… do they say it with such conviction, that God has spoken to their hearts that they are called to be a part of a movement of God that is stirring their faith and so on.
Everything that we do or hope for is by Faith now I believe there are different components and sides to faith, some Christians think of faith as taking a leap of faith which we all have heard of or something like that and only see faith as one sided. Once we gain the understanding of what these spiritual components are, we’ll gain wisdom that will help us understand the reality of what we hope for in Christ.
The one thing people fail to understand is not only commitment but flexibility of the heart and attitude adjustments will be needed. Transformation and humility are going to be the main requirements in order to fulfill what you think God is calling you to do and how He will justify to promoting you to the next level in your ministerial endeavourers.
Now why is it that many fail to stay the course and steadfastness in their callings, easy… simply something became a stumbling block and more likely is they themselves who block their own path to achieving their call or service they felt God called them to do. I like what it says about Faith in Chapter 11 of Hebrews in the Amplified version of the Bible, “Now Faith is (the assurance the confirmation, the title deed) of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the Conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses”).
We must always stand on the initial CONVICTION we receive in anything that God has called us into. Whenever God presents something to us and we feel what’s being presented to us as part of that mandate and faith is stirring in our spirit then we know it was not revealed to us by our own senses but through the HOLY SPIRIT. We need to stand firm and never allow this spiritual conviction be shaken no matter what is challenging us in any environment we’re serving in, if we do this we’ll move in a God-ward motion like forward motion to fulfilling God’s perfect will.
The conviction of the mandate in my life is what matters to me the most; it’s not whether I get or receive any monetary gain of any kind…God can give me those things any time He wants; the most important thing is how I complete each part of the divine mandate given me.
When people do not stay the course it’s usually because of pride or offenses, or the fear of what leaders may think or say about them that their confidence has been shaken.
God gave us what I call, “God Confidence” which you can find this topic in Hebrews 10:35-38 which I’ll expound later in Part 2 under “Understanding God’s Kingdom Environment”.
There is Spiritual maturity that needs to take place in order to get where you envision to go, many Christians call it a test whatever you may call it, it’s required. There are times that God may call you in a place that you were not originally intended to be a part of, what I call…“Sometimes You Don’t See The Fit” but because God can trust you and the gifts given by Him may be needed to fulfill the vision of what He has created in a new Kingdom environment, which will need your immediate attention. What’s needed from us is partnering with the Holy Spirit giving God the total controlling interest of our lives so that our faith can have its way with us allowing us to feel and experience God’s perfect will for each and every purpose of those around us.
Look at what Paul wrote in Romans 8:28
28) “We are assured and know that God being a partner in their labor all things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose”.
It’s not so much what you can do talent wise or how you fit in the scheme of things it’s the gifts that God had bestowed upon you that fit in His plan. By Faith put your confidence in what he has given you and you will see what God has envisioned in His plan which was designed by Him to fulfilling His purpose.
“We don’t move by sight but by faith”
Well I think this concludes Part 1, I will continue with these thoughts in Part 2 entitled“Understanding God’s Kingdom Environment”
source: by Evangelist Joel Torres
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