WHISPER IT TO ME: exemplary life

Once upon a time when I gained admission into a higher institution, a sister bought me a gift and on it she wrote on behave of the youth girls in the church , she said “Dear Sir” it is a good news that you have gained admission into a higher institution though very sad for us because we are going to miss you so much, Sir” you have been a great influence in my life and the life of other youth sisters in the church, you are our mentor, now that you are going to school our prayer for you is that God will keep you strong in the faith and help us make heaven at last. Sir your righteousness was very contagious that we all wish to live like you, you have injected your special qualities into us, I want you to know Sir that the day you will start sinning it will affect us and all your wonderful testimony will be forgotten, then your labour in our lives too will be truncated because you are the shepherd. This wasn’t all but the sermon was clear and another also gave me a note which I find difficult to dispose.
I felt special about it and sober because I had served in that district by the grace of God but I never knew that the youth I was always pushing and praying for see me in that manner. Those write-ups made my day, week, month and years on campus a very watchful though challenging.
Friends you cannot afford to live anyhow and act anyhow no matter what you are going through . there’s someone out there looking up to you for direction and every steps you take matters a lot to him/her. The issue of politeness has been relegated at the background that people no longer see reasons to be polite, when you start acting strange, those you have influenced will be affected. How I desire with passion to be reminded how I use to be, and to be told the things I stood for, it is a propelling force to my onward journey, a friend sent me a message on Facebook it reads “Kingsley stay connected to Jesus and He will make you sweet”. The only way to maintain the principles you have laid down for yourself is to stay connected (John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me).
1. Who is looking up to me?
2. What do they expect from me?
3. How can I improve to prove?
4. Am I living it?
It is very difficult to discover those who are looking up to you, but it is easy to observe those who are looking up to you, most times you see them talk like you , dress like you, act like you, eat like you, pray like you , preach like you, smile like you and even walk the way you do. Some of this trait can be easily unveiled easily. If on the negative side you have had this influence on them then you lack the moral right to be called a mentor, mentors are men and women who have great impact on people looking up to them. When you discover them you are required to nurture them in truth and you must be sincere with them.
The earnest expectation of your followers is to know the secret behind your success both spiritually, professionally, academically, financially and mentally. As I said before you must be sincere with them and truthful to them, don’t mislead them in anyway. When questions like this
“ how did you overcome some major temptations” be plain and sincere after all you are no longer into such errors, tell them how you were dealt with by those vices and temptation , tell them the mistakes you made and how you felt during those period and then tell them about your victory over it.
This is a very special question every sincere leader should ask himself, having the consciousness of your influence amongst men and women around you it is necessary you seek for means and ways of improvement so you don’t get stranded when you are about to render, a day will come in your life when someone will confront you about your means of achievement, test and testimony then it will be dawn on you that it was necessary to improve. What do you do better today? You can improve in it, “work on your special quality and don’t be carried away by multiple quantity” you must not be less than expected when you are about to prove, 2Tim. 2:15 KJV Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
This is one of the most critical question that one should ask his/herself , very many people live by their past glory, some are still 10 years backdated , boastful of their past achievement and breakthrough. Someone may know you as a very special and spirit filled in years gone by and still sees you that way…. This point calls for sober reflection as it has to do with you and me. You may have friends who still calls you evangelist because of how you took the gospel everywhere, some call you Prophet because of the mighty exploit the Lord did through you, some may even call Professor because of how studious you were in years gone by, but my friend can you still call yourself by those titles if your life is critically checked or examine. We must be sincere to ourselves and take the right steps and start living as known.
Show a little bit of Love and Kindness (John W. Peterson)
“Sing some song, spread some cheer,
There are sad and lonely people everywhere
Be a friend, show some love,
it will lift them from the dungeons of despair.
Show a little bit of love and kindness,
Never go along with hatred’s blindness,
Take a little time to reach for joy,
and wear a happy face;
sing a little bit when the days are dreary,
give a little help to a friend who’s weary
that’s the way to make the world a happy place!”
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